The Benefits of Joining a Writer Workshop

Former literary agent, now a freelance editor, writing teacher, and IP/story developer for major publishers and creators.

By Mary Kole

A writer workshop might be just the thing you need to get back on track or stay on track with your writing. Writing can be a lonely endeavor, and it can be hard to stay motivated without any writing feedback. That’s why joining a writer workshop can be invaluable for improving your skills and developing your craft. From workshops tailored to specific genres to those that offer general advice and guidance, these writing groups provide writers with an opportunity to connect with others who understand the creative process and have the same goals in mind. Sometimes a writer workshop will be geared toward feedback. Other times, it’ll bring in experts and guest speakers. A writing workshop can be as organized or as casual as you’d like, and there are many options out there. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you should join a writer workshop.

writer workshop

Get Constructive Feedback in a Writer Workshop

One of the most important benefits of joining a writer workshop is that it gives you access to people who are experienced with writing, publishing, and critiquing the work of others. At some point, publishing a book becomes a collaboration, and writers are notoriously bad at seeing their own work objectively. A writer workshop can give you insights into your book (or books) that you otherwise wouldn’t have gotten.

The moral support factor of a writer workshop also can’t be overstated. More than likely, someone in your workshop will have gone through what you are currently experiencing and can provide valuable advice. Constructive criticism from fellow writers is one of the best ways to learn—and grow as a writer—because it helps you identify problem areas and come up with solutions. Sometimes, a writer workshop member will hand you the piece your story has been missing. Other times, you will do that for someone else. It can be a beautiful symbiotic relationship.

Receive Encouragement and Support in a Writer Workshop

When you join a writer workshop, you become part of a community full of like-minded individuals who understand what is involved in creating something out of nothing. There are unique challenges (and thrills) to writing, and the people who choose to participate in a writer workshop will likely know exactly what you’re going through.

The support you could receive is also precious. Knowing that there are people out there who are rooting for you to succeed is wonderful for writing motivation, and for keeping your head above water when you’re battling writer’s block or when the going gets tough. Because everyone in a writer workshop has similar goals and experiences, it becomes easier to get and stay on track, especially since regular writer workshop meetings can contribute a lot of accountability to your process.

Learn New Skills in a Writer Workshop

A writer workshop also gives you an opportunity to gain new skills related to writing, such as editing, literary techniques, or understanding how to market a book effectively. You may even receive advice on where opportunities lie within your book genre or how other writers have found success within their own careers. For a good experience, find a writer workshop that attracts a more serious crowd. You’ll be able to develop your critical and writing skills more quickly if you’re working a bit above your own experience level, and rubbing elbows with published writers.

Joining a writer workshop is one of the best ways to improve your storytelling craft while receiving support from like-minded individuals. Not only do workshops provide valuable feedback on your work but they also give you access to new skills that can help take your career as an author or freelancer further down the line! So if you're looking for ways to hone your writing abilities and get more out of your creative pursuits, joining a writer workshop could be just what you need.

Want writing guidance, feedback, and accountability?

Self-guided writing study is great, but can only take you so far. Apply to Story Mastermind—a small group workshop intensive for your novel, memoir, outline, or picture book idea. Achieve a robust outline or draft, or a portfolio of picture books, in a rigorous but supportive environment. Imagine how much closer you can be to your writing goals after participating in Story Mastermind.