Why Writers Should Join Writing Groups

Former literary agent, now a freelance editor, writing teacher, and IP/story developer for major publishers and creators.

By Mary Kole

Writing groups can offer a lovely oasis in the lonely work of the creative writing life. Writers understand the struggle better than anyone: writing is hard. It takes discipline, dedication, and oftentimes a lot of stamina to see a project through from start to finish. That’s why writers should consider joining writing groups—it can make all the difference in the success of your project. Let’s explore why you should join writing groups and how they can help you become a better, more successful writer.

writing groups

Mentorship and Accountability in Writing Groups

Writing groups are an opportunity for like-minded people to come together and learn from one another. Experienced members of the group can mentor those who are newer to writing or bring different perspectives to the table. This exchange of ideas can help each member grow as a writer and develop their writing projects more effectively.

Additionally, having peers who understand what it means to be a writer provides accountability for each member of writing groups. When someone is feeling stuck on their project or unmotivated to keep going, having other writers in their corner can help get them back on track. Peer pressure isn’t always about negative feedback—sometimes it’s just the nudge we need to keep going when we feel like giving up. As long as the other writers in your writing groups are experienced and savvy, you can trust their feedback to help you level up your craft.

Feedback and Critique in Writing Groups

The best part about being in one or more writing groups is that you have access to honest feedback and critique partners in other writers who know what they're talking about. It’s easy to become too close with our projects when we’re writing. We might not be able to recognize when something is missing because we have been looking at it so closely for so long. A fresh perspective from someone else with knowledge and experience can be invaluable in helping us take our project from good to great, and these peers can be found in writing groups, both online and in person, across various categories and genres.

Having access to diverse opinions also helps us identify issues that may arise during publication or book promotion that we had not considered before—this kind of insight is invaluable for helping us strengthen our work before launching it into the world. Writing groups contain members with different life experiences and insights, and getting their perspectives can open your eyes to elements of both storytelling craft and marketing to help your book succeed.

Writing groups provide valuable support for authors at any stage of their careers—whether you’re an experienced author or just starting out, there are plenty of benefits available when joining up with other writers. From mentorships and accountability, feedback and critique—these are all essential ingredients that make up a successful writing career in today’s fiercely competitive publishing landscape. Don’t underestimate the power that comes with connecting with other writers. Find yourself some writing groups to join today and watch your career soar.

Want writing guidance, feedback, and accountability?

Self-guided writing study is great, but can only take you so far. Apply to Story Mastermind—a small group workshop intensive for your novel, memoir, outline, or picture book idea. Achieve a robust outline or draft, or a portfolio of picture books, in a rigorous but supportive environment. Imagine how much closer you can be to your writing goals after participating in Story Mastermind.