Join a Memoir Writers Group and Share Your Life Story
Former literary agent, now a freelance editor, writing teacher, and IP/story developer for major publishers and creators.
By Mary Kole
Joining a memoir writers group can mean the difference between your memoir getting written, and your life story never being told. Penning any written work can often be a challenge, but writing your life story can be an incredibly specific mountain to climb. Writing creative nonfiction about yourself requires commitment and support. For many reasons, you can’t often lean on the people in your personal life—because they’re subjects in your memoir. Who can you turn to then? With proper support from a memoir writers group, you could be working on the most important manuscript of your life sooner rather than later. Joining writing groups is an excellent way to stay motivated and inspired. A memoir writers group, either virtual or in-person, provides similar-minded writers the chance to exchange their manuscripts, provide writing feedback, and obtain a greater understanding of the craft. Better yet, everyone in a memoir writers group knows what it’s like to go through the memoir process.
Considering Joining a Memoir Writers Group?
If you're looking for a memoir writers group, you're in luck. There are plenty of specialized groups for different types of memoirs, like copywriting or creative non-fiction. Other groups focus on specific forms of writing, be it essays, short fiction, or longer writing projects. Whatever kind of writing you prefer, you can find a writers group that fits your needs. Memoir is a very popular category of writing, because your life story is one story you can always tell. This also makes it harder to write than a completely made-up novel, however. That’s why finding a memoir writers group who understands the process and its unique challenges is key. You might not find what you need in a novel workshop, but a memoir writers group will give you the understanding and support that you require to go through this deeply personal journey.
How Can Writers Benefit from a Memoir Writers Group?
Joining a memoir writers group can provide immense benefits. A critique group specific to your goals is a great source of inspiration and fresh points of view when it comes to your work. You’ll get valuable advice and insight into the approaches other writers take to their craft, as well as potential new strategies or tactics you hadn’t thought of before. Additionally, a good memoir writers group will have active discussion forums where participants can post their projects for writing notes (learn more about how to give constructive criticism) or talk about what they’re presently working on. A solid memoir writers group with an established presence will not only provide a platform for honest feedback, but also helps maintain the accountability of members, which is essential when it comes to keeping motivated and productive. If you participate in any kind of critique group or writing workshop, you stand to be better supported through any period of writer’s block than if you’re forging ahead alone.
Being Part of a Writing Community
Whether you are a novice or a published writer, joining a memoir writers group can help you develop and advance your artistry, especially when it comes to telling the story of your life. A memoir writers group can provide valuable support when your creative energy seems to be flagging. A memoir-specific group will also give you the benefit of surrounding yourself with like-minded writers, in a private setting that will allow you to share tough memories and experiences openly and truthfully. Once you find the correct memoir writers group that’s a fit for you, you will soon be encircled by those who share in your enthusiasm for writing.
For any writer looking to take their autobiographical storytelling craft to the next level, joining a memoir writers group is an essential step. Whether you’re a novice or a more experienced wordsmith, having a community of writers around you—to share resources and give writing notes and advice—can be invaluable. Take the time to find a memoir writers group that matches your goals, and look forward to finally pushing your manuscript past the finish line, and out into the world.
Want writing guidance, feedback, and accountability?
Self-guided writing study is great, but can only take you so far. Apply to Story Mastermind—a small group workshop intensive for your novel, memoir, outline, or picture book idea. Achieve a robust outline or draft, or a portfolio of picture books, in a rigorous but supportive environment. Imagine how much closer you can be to your writing goals after participating in Story Mastermind.