What Is Writer’s Workshop?

Former literary agent, now a freelance editor, writing teacher, and IP/story developer for major publishers and creators.

By Mary Kole

If you're a writer, chances are you've heard about critique groups, critique partners, and the tradition of the writer’s workshop. But what is writer’s workshop, exactly? A writer’s workshop is an informal gathering of writers that takes place virtually or in person, and exists for the purpose of giving and receiving critique and giving writing feedback on each other’s work. It's a great way to get honest feedback and to learn from experienced writers in your field. Let's take a look at what is writer’s workshop, and unpack why one can be beneficial for your writing.

what is writers workshop

What Is Writer’s Workshop?

If you’re wondering what is writer’s workshop, you’ve come to the right place. A writer's workshop usually consists of a group of writers meeting regularly—either in person or online—for the purpose of providing constructive criticism (more here on how to give constructive criticism) and support for one another's work. This looks like giving and receiving writing notes, providing accountability, and learning from an industry professional, who is usually leading the group. During the workshop, each member will present their work-in-progress to the group and solicit feedback from their peers. The aim is to improve each other’s writing by pointing out any strengths and opportunities for growth in their work in a supportive environment.

The Benefits of Writer’s Workshop

The benefits of attending a writer's workshop are many. First, a critique group provides an opportunity for writers to get feedback from experienced peers who understand their craft—something that may not be available elsewhere. It also allows writers to gain insight into different creative writing techniques and styles, as well as discover new ways to approach their own work.

Additionally, what is writer’s workshop if not a place to help you build meaningful relationships among like-minded individuals? Writing can be isolating, so meeting peers who can offer valuable advice and offer emotional support when needed can help you get through rough times in your creative journey.

Planning Out What Is Writer’s Workshop and How to Fit It Into Your Life

The benefits of a writer’s workshop are undeniable, but is there a burden to what is writer’s workshop when it comes to finances and time commitment? It is important to note that some writer’s workshops and critique groups can be free or low-cost, making them an affordable option for all categories of aspiring authors. Furthermore, virtual options allow writers to take part in an active writing community without ever having to leave the comfort of their homes—making them ideal for those who don't have access to physical workshops in their area. That being said, some writer’s workshops are high-cost programs, but you get a return on your investment when you feel the thrill of finishing your book. You might even get a book deal as a result of your participation, though no program, no matter how good, can guarantee this outcome. Sometimes what is writer’s workshop but an investment in yourself and your own creative education, and that’s a factor to consider as well.

A writer’s workshop can be immensely helpful for aspiring authors who want honest feedback on their work as well as access to experienced peers within the writing community. These workshops provide invaluable insight into different writing styles and techniques, helping participants grow both personally and professionally as authors. Ultimately, writer’s workshops allow authors to gain knowledge while forming meaningful relationships with like-minded individuals. All these benefits make attending a writer's workshop truly worthwhile for any serious author looking to improve their storytelling craft or further develop themselves as a professional. Serious writing, after all, starts with taking yourself seriously.

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