Craft and industry focused small group writing intensive workshops from the comfort of home.
For the five-month Novel and Picture Book Story Mastermind cohort beginning in January, apply by October 15.
For the twelve-week summer Outline Intensive beginning in June, apply by June 1.
Take a Sneak Peek
These unique workshops are designed to give serious writers a taste of the full five-month intensive program. Learn from our faculty and get a preview of Story Mastermind to see if it’s the right fit for you.
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Why I Created Story Mastermind…
My name is Mary Kole, and I’ve been working with writers for over a decade—first as a literary agent, now as a freelance editor—to hone their work and launch their publishing careers. I’ve taught thousands of writers, and now I am doing something bigger, more ambitious, and disruptive. I hope you join me. My entire career has been a study in mixing craft and industry knowledge, about helping writers hone their projects, but also providing insight into the biggest question of all: What’s next?
I do for writers what I always wanted when I was learning my own craft. My MFA program wanted to be a “creative cocoon” and wouldn’t touch on the subject of the industry and submission at all. Why? The school didn’t want to be accountable for what happened to all those novels we were writing if nobody got published. (So far, only two other writers in my class have gotten book deals.) “We should be talking about what happens next!” I told everyone who would listen, but they just wanted to study mentor texts and remain in the nest.
What other options do writers have?
Critique partners are only as good as their level of experience, and can be hard to find. Large national writers’ conferences offer generic writing and publishing advice that doesn’t take your individual journey or manuscript into account. More personal small-group writing workshops only last one weekend. MFA programs cost between $30,000 and $76,000 a year, and take two years of your valuable time to arrive at one thesis manuscript. Freelance editors are great resources but usually can’t devote consistent support to you and your project over time. It’s also a one-on-one relationship, without the alchemy of many dedicated minds on your project.
Solving the Problem
So I got to thinking: How can I create the synergistic magic of workshop that I enjoyed in my MFA program? Then add in the industry knowledge and exposure of a national writer’s conference? And mix it all together into a small group writing intensive program that lasts long enough to help writers create real deliverables, but without spanning years?
In essence, I wanted to build the nest and the flight plan for writers.
Story Mastermind is an intensive small group workshop program. Novel groups are limited to four participants and two faculty, including myself in every cohort. Picture book groups invite up to six picture book writers and two faculty. These longer cohorts work together for five months. Outline students are limited to groups of eight and two faculty, and meet in two six-week sessions over the summer. One scholarship seat is offered in every cohort.
And we do want to be held accountable, so here is our program goal for every writer:
Outline writers will have a strong roadmap for their novel that has been workshopped three times. New novel writers will walk away with a complete novel draft. Novel revision writers will have a polished manuscript and submission plan. Picture book writers will have a robust portfolio of six polished manuscripts—and the confidence to create and develop strong concepts going forward. Each manuscript will receive feedback from peers as well as at least one complete professional editorial pass from our team.
I’ll also bring in industry contacts of authors, agents, and publishing house editors during every session for a special presentation, workshop, pitch session, and more.
Yes, the focus will be squarely on craft, but we will also dive deeply into the market, marketing, author platform, submission, and the premise of your individual project.
Imagine how much closer you can be to your writing goals after participating in Story Mastermind.

Program FAQ
An in-depth look at our program, pricing, and more.
January-June Session:
Applications Open September 1
Summer Outline Intensive:
Applications Open April 1
Faculty Team
Meet Mary Kole and the Story Mastermind team of professional editor faculty.
Learn the application, acceptance, decision, and submission deadlines.
Hear what students have to say about their experience.
Contact Us
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions.

“Receiving Mary’s feedback on my novel has been one of the best things that has happened to my writing in recent years.
Thank you, Mary, for helping me see the possibilities in this book and also lighting a fire under me to continue. The work is not yet done, but today—today—I feel like it’s possible!”
– Jennie G.